What is Blossoming Inside You?

Spring is a time of wonder and awe.
It reconnects me to my childhood in Colorado and the great mystery of which flowers would pop up first each year - will it be the cheerful yellow daffodils or maybe a purple crocus?
And how will we protect these precious and bright new spring flowers from the elements as they grow?
One of my favorite teachers, David Bedrick, has a favorite passage of a poem that he reads in his classes.
It’s from St. Francis and the Sow by Galway Kinnell.
This is the passage David reads that deeply resonates with me every single time:
The bud
stands for all things,
even for those things that don’t flower,
for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing;
though sometimes it is necessary
to reteach a thing its loveliness,
to put a hand on its brow
of the flower
and retell it in words and in touch
it is lovely
until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing
Our wishes are like little buds that dream of blossoming.
You might wish to follow that whisper of a business idea that keeps showing up...
To go on the real vacation you’ve been dreaming about for the last 3 years...
Or to fall in love...
To live somewhere that makes you feel more alive...
Or to finally be done with a certain relationship or situation that you’ve most definitely outgrown....
And whatever your wish is, it could feel very confronting.
How on Earth can I make that happen?
I’m too late, I should’ve done it already.
But I haven’t earned it yet.
The wishes of my children / partner / colleagues / boss / friends matter more than mine.
Sometimes, we have to reteach our wishes their loveliness so they can flower and blossom.
Tend to them.
Make sure they’re getting enough water and sunshine.
Construct a fence around them so they don't get trampled on.
And protect them from the elements.
Care for them even when we don’t yet know how beautiful they’ll be.
Your wishes, desires, and needs are precious.
What’s one small step you can take to tend to the growth of one of your wishes?
If you want to “grow” away from the grind of overgiving and releasing the guilt when you’re not so you can “grow” towards more permission, freedom, and aliveness, tune into my podcast, Outgrow the Grind.
Stacy Raye Kellogg is a leadership and courage coach who helps people-pleasers and high-achievers weed out the daily energy-draining bullshit and cultivate more courage without sacrificing their values.